Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Freedom in Death

            In the story, “The Story of An Hour”, the main character suffers from a heart disease. This heart problem is rather ironic because like her heart she is constricted and her sole purpose is to beat for someone else. Her heart problem worsens when she hears that her husband has died. Although most people would become depressed when they hear their spouse has died she did not. Mrs. Mallard was ecstatic. She could now live her life freely and most importantly she was free from her husband. He no longer had any control over her life and she no longer had to live for him.

            The limited setting of the story expresses the theme of a struggle for freedom. In this story the setting consists of a room, a staircase, and a front door. None of these places offer a vast space and freedom. They are all limited and confined places. This idea of the setting being finite reflects Mrs. Mallard’s need from freedom. She is trapped in this small area and cannot get out. Figuratively speaking she is trapped in a place where her husband rules and she cannot escape his rule. He is like a cage stopping her from escaping.  Her desperation of freedom leads to her ultimate escape, death.  

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