Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Voice of True Poetry

Anyone can be truthful about superficialities,
Pretending is not the truth,
True poetry is truth,
Truth is not popular, so poetry is not,
A poet throws all but truth in the cellar,

True poetry is truth,
Here in your poems you do what you dare not to do,
Problem was, all this is new,
All words are insufficient,
The poem exists before it is written,
Poems who are not written yet, or not written ever, exists here,
The realm of the inarticulate,

The poem is a raid on the inarticulate,
Poets and tailors conceal their craft in their craft,
 “To express what is here”, she jabbed at my heart,
Poems are lenses, mirrors, and X-ray machines,
Only in my poems do I realize I get to say exactly what I want.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Voices

There was a boy who did not fit in,
A boy who was an outsider and had few friends,
He was loyal to few and above all to himself,
He was teased day in and day out,
Then he had a chance to be like them but he said no,
Instead he continued to suffer their rude remarks and pitiful pranks,

At last he could take no more,
On his way home he had a silent argument with himself,
"Do it you waste of space" taunted Unborn Twin,
"Don't c-c-ch-chicken out ss-s-stutterboy" laughed Hangman,
"No please don't cried Maggot" but he was too weak, drowned out by the other voices,

After much debate he arrived home,
Calling out into the house only to find no one was there,
He was alone, something he had become accustomed too,
Up, up, up the stairs he went,
Sliding into the bathroom he went,
Rummaging through the drawers he found his shinny escape,

A final glance into the mirror was made,
Reflecting a scrawny boy with hallow eyes,
Turning away from the mirror he crouched down,
Clutching the cod metal he began to draw, his wrist the canvas,
Drawing intricate patterns with a blood red ink,
Silent tears streamed down his face as the voices in his head cheered in triumph,

Slowly slipping into the clutches of Death he gave one last sob,
Then finally he gave in,
Allowing his dark desires to conquer him,
The voices of others had turned him against himself,
They had won.

Life Goes On (not a BSG post)

The world turns around on its axis,
Ignorant to what goes on within,
Oblivious of the people crying,
Forests burning,
Animals starving,
Many lives a created, yet many cease to exist.

The world continues to spin around,
Never straying from its path,
Ignorant to the hardships of life,
Oblivious to the people poaching animals,
People destroying forests,
People killing people,
Innocence is long gone and beauty is elf is a dying species,
Yet the world still turns because that is all it knows.


Children suffer alone,
Separated into the predators and the prey,
The weak and the strong,
Outcasted by their own kind,

People suffer alone,
Separated into the rich and poor,
The educated and the uneducated,
Outcasted by society,

We suffer,
Separated by our personality and our ideas,
Our opinions and appearances,
Outcasted by ourselves we suffer,
Constantly over analyzing and categorizing,
Until we can take no more,
Ignorant of what we are doing, we suffer.

(extra post)

Growing Up Too Fast

"Boys just get papier-mâchéd inside a man's mask."

-David Mitchell Black Swan Green

         As a human being develops, they are expected to mature. In reality this does not happen, people never grow up. When someone ages they never completely lose their childlike attitude. In Black Swan Green, Ross Wilcox and Neal Brose are both boys who are developing into young men. It is expected of them to be mature and to be gentlemen but instead they remain childlike. Ross Wilcox still puts a mouse head in Jason's pencil case and Neal Brose still forces kids to pay for "popularity lessons". Yet the adults are completely unaware of these events and still think Neal Brose is a golden boy. They all appear to be becoming men but in reality the have just gotten better at hiding themselves with a facade. This trend is a commonality in today's world, people's features come across as mature but in reality they are anything but. This is caused by children being forced to grow up too fast, instead of taking the time they need to mature they are being forced to become adults. During this process of "growing up" children manipulate others into thinking that they are in fact grown up, but deep down they are still a child hidden by the image of an adult.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


They tell us from the time we're young 
To hide the things we don't like about ourselves
Inside ourselves 
I know I'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else
Well I'm over it 
I don't care if the world knows what me secrets are.
Mary Lambert
         A  Secret. A five letter noun that is something that is kept unknown or unseen by others. But why are we so intent on keeping them? Do they exist to hurt others or maybe they are there to protect people from things that can hurt them. There are different answers for different circumstances, but does justify having a secret? What gives one person the power to dictate what some else should and should not know? For example you break a family heirloom but don't say anything. Is it really your say to hide the fact that the object was broken?
          A Personal secret. A thing that a person hides about themselves. This is a part of a person's true identity. For example these are normally a person's opinions, likes, dislikes, and even their sexuality. These are secrets that a person reserves the right to hide, but why would they want to? Why should a person hide who they are from others? Shouldn't they be proud of who they are? Others should not have the right to judge people. People should not feel forced to hide themselves.

Layers of Humanity

"No one is born fully-formed; it is through self-experience in the world that we become what we are."
-Paulo Freire

            When a baby is born, he or she is innocent. That baby is the inner most layer of a person that will ever exist and only lasts for a short time. As the infant ages into a toddler he or she experiences small events, like getting yelled at for being too loud or being praised for listening. These experiences shape them into the person they are and will become. A child's first day at daycare or at pre-school are even bigger happenings that construct who they are and will be. There, through interactions with others he or she is silently taught what is " cool" and what is "weird". These individual events cause that person to learn to hide who they are so they can fit in. By hiding oneself inside themselves their inner most self becomes obscured. In a sense they are creating a layer to protect their self from others, these layers become a normality and eventually it is an instinct to hide a person's true opinion. Throughout a person's whole life he or she experiences the pressure of society's fabrication of what is right and what is wrong, through these imposed ideas people form their own beliefs. Once an opinion is formed he or she is a step closer to being "fully-formed" as Freire would say, but the conflict with that is our opinions are constantly changing and layers are constantly forming. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Star In the Sky

Like a star in the sky,
Shinning so bright,
Flying so high,
Fighting unknown forces to survive,
They try.

Like a girl in society,
Looking so glamorous,
Being so nice,
Trying to out shine others,
We try.

Light a star in the sky,
Like a girl in society
We both try so hard,
Eventually they crash and burn,
People try so hard we collapse and glide,
And we die.

Lost (best)

There was a girl who smiled,
She stared out into the world,
Blue eyes wide in wonder,
She was curious and joyful,
She thought everyone was as kind as the calm water,

She perched upon her rock
Hoping to become like them,
Wishing to frolic on land like them,
One day, she made her dream into a reality.

There was a new girl in town,
Who they say was from the sea,
They say she used to laugh loudly and smile brightly,
She used to try so hard,
But no matter,
She was not content with trying to be like them,
Now she stares vacantly,
Her eyes gazing at the sea,
Mourning the loss of her individuality.

There was an old girl who went home to the sea,
She tried with all her might to make her dreams come true,
She thought that if she looked like them happiness would find her,
She thought that life would be easier,
And that she could fit in,
The creatures say she is different now,
She used to be vibrant and care free,
Now they say she is just physically there,

There was a girl who tried,
She tried to change herself to be like the others,
She changed her appearance to be like them,
She changed her life, yet nothing clicked,
After some time, she gave up,
Turning to the mirror to see a girl,
A girl who looked familiar, but no longer resembled her,
Now she wept, mourning the loss of herself.

Khia Beeles

A Label

          For centuries people have been judged and classified based on their looks. Although society tries to deny that we judgmental, they are wrong. We all say we don't care about the appeal of a person's image, when in reality we are obsessed with it. Adults think that by telling children and teens 'to not judge a book by it's cover' that they will care about the substance of a person more than the appearance, but they too compare their children to others. As humans we constantly try to 'fix' ourselves and struggle to become a part of the small percentile of people that, by society's standard are beautiful. But what doe being beautiful mean? Is a person with a pretty face and a careless should really beautiful? Personally I think that society is corrupt and that beauty is nothing but a depthless label that focuses more on the outer shell of a human when it should highlight the importance of one's soul.

Avoiding Labels